Technical Activities
CASS offers 14 Technical Committees (TC) and three Special Interest Groups (SIG). Committees and Groups are open to any IEEE member. TC Membership is by recommendation and is approved by a majority vote of active TC members present at any of the Committee’s physical meetings (usually held annually at ISCAS).
To join a Technical Committee, please contact the Committee Chair, as listed on the TC’s website. (You can also download a PDF here).
Standards Activities
Upcoming Outreach Events: We are planning several outreach events as part of CAS conferences such as AICAS, ISCAS, NewCAS, MWCAS, BioCAS in 2022. More details can be found on the SASD Events page.
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Standards Activities Sub Division
Call for Participation: IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Standards Activities Sub Division
This new initiative promotes and fosters academic and industry participation for standards-related work in integrated circuit design and test systems, arithmetic, microprocessors, domain-specific accelerators such as error correction coding, video, and AI.
Members interested in participating in IEEE CASS SASD activities can join this mailing list.
More Information
Upcoming Outreach Events: We are planning several outreach events as part of CAS conferences such as AICAS, ISCAS, NewCAS, MWCAS, BioCAS in 2022. More details are here.
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Standards Activities Sub Division
The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) has established the Standards Activities Sub Division (SASD) under its Technical Activities (TA) Division. In collaboration with IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA), IEEE CASS SASD would be able to provide an open, inclusive, and transparent environment for voluntary consensus standardization, and other industry consensus activities in the area of Circuits and Systems.
The mission of SASD is to encourage all the relevant stakeholders to participate in standardization activities, promote the use of IEEE standards, and develop useful products that leverage IEEE standards within the scope of the CASS. This new initiative also aims to promote and foster a close relationship between academia and industry communities. Professionals or ad hoc industry groups engaged in standardization activities related to CASS should consider bringing their activities under the IEEE CASS SASD to take advantage of the broader impact of IEEE Standards.
The following members have been nominated and elected for the IEEE CASS SASD committee for 2022-2023.
Chair: Kiran Gunnam
Chair-Elect: Yongfu Li
Voting Members: (1) Shashikant Patil, (2) Wen-Hsiao Peng, (3) Lu Yu, (4) Yuanjin Zheng, and (5) Xinmiao Zhang, IEEE CASS Vice President (Technical Activities)
IEEE CASS Standards Committees
IEEE CASS SASD formed four IEEE CASS standards committees to coordinate standards activities related to circuits and systems. Each standards committee is expected to meet monthly in an online meeting for an hour. The typical responsibilities include recruiting stakeholders to form new study groups, reviewing the PAR (Project Authorization Request) submissions, helping transition the study groups into working groups, and reviewing the ongoing work from the study groups and working groups.
Please see this page for more details on IEEE CASS Standards Committees.
The following are the formed Standards Committees:
IC Design and Test for Emerging Circuits and Systems. Chair: Vahid Vahidfar
Emerging Processor Systems. Chair: Travis Anderson
Domain-Specific Accelerators. Chair: Mehran Nekuii
Flexible and Wearable Circuits and Systems. Chair: Yong Lian
Past Outreach Events: More details are here.
14th November 2021 – Shanghai, China
8 December 2021 – Silicon Valley, USA
For an overview of IEEE CASS SASD, Standards Committees, Study Groups, and Working Groups, please see this overview presentation