Mr. Aloke Das

Chair 2025


To create a culture of innovation and excellence among the members. To step into emerging technologies while strengthening the fundamentals of circuits. To Promote research in electronics systems by adhering to the principles of sustainability.


To advance and promote the learnings in circuits and systems by framing all the interdisciplinary subjects related to them. To encourage the members in the industry to leverage their experience to create products and patents and embark into an entrepreneurship journey. To encourage members in academia to contribute to the world by taking part in initiatives led by IEEE and the open-source community.


We value
  1. Equal opportunity
  2. Scientific excellence
  3. Professional growth
  4. Integrity and Ethics
  5. Service to humanity

Our strategic areas

  1. Connecting industry and academia
  2. To provide a common platform to innovate outside of the place of work
  3. To help members create a personal brand technically

Our technical focus areas

  1. The fundamental theory in electrical, electronic, sensors and instrumentation
  2. The software programming fundamentals
  3. Circuits for food, agriculture and rural homes
  4. Circuits and systems for healthcare and wellbeing
  5. Strategies for energy harvesting, storage and conservation.